Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund Research Projects

The Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund (REWRF, the Fund) supports priority research projects that expand the understanding of challenges and potential solutions for solar/wind-wildlife interactions.

 A summary of all active and completed projects is provided below. Please reach out to with any questions about the REWRF project portfolio.

All project study designs and results undergo independent expert review and are published as peer-reviewed journal articles or as REWI technical reports.

Active Research Projects

Active Wind Projects

Validating Optimized Smart Curtailment for Risk Reduction to Bats

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)


Project Summary

Started 2024; This project is an attempt to design and implement optimized smart curtailment (OSC) algorithms using site-specific activity and environmental data at three wind energy facilities over two years using a combination of existing and new thermal camera data, acoustic data, or both.


Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study.

Using the Passage of Weather Fronts to Predict Hoary Bat Mortality

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)


Project Summary

Started 2021; The objective of this study is to understand if hoary bat mortality in Iowa can be predicted by the passage of regional weather systems. Previous REWRF-sponsored research by WEST suggested that a predictive based on the passage of regional weather systems and mortality information from two wind farms in Illinois and Indiana could reduce the number of nights that blanket curtailment would have been required. This project explores whether a similar modeling approach could be used to predict mortality in a different geographic region.


Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study.

Lek Persistence of Lesser Prairie Chickens in the Vicinity of Wind Energy Infrastructure

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)


Project Summary

Started 2022; The objective of this study is to understand how lesser prairie chickens (LEPC) interact with wind energy facilities and to the long-term presence of this infrastructure. The results of this study may inform future monitoring efforts.


Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study.

Reassessing Bat Collision Risk Using Acoustic Exposure



Project Summary

Started 2021; This study considers exposed bat activity as an alternative metric for quantifying temporal, seasonal, and spatial patterns in bat activity as related to implementing and evaluating curtailment strategies.


Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study.

Spatiotemporal Patterns in Sex Ratios of Bat Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities in the United States

Bowman Consulting


Project Summary

Started 2021; This study explores regional and temporal differences in the sex ratios of bat carcasses from seven species found at wind turbines from 10 states across the US.


Results & Publications

Insect Feeding as a Driver of Bat Fatality Risk

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)


Project Summary

Started 2022; This is a literature review to collate the scientific knowledge related to bat diets and emergence models of insects prominent in bat diets, with an eye toward potential future modeling efforts that could inform smart curtailment strategies.

Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study.

Validating a Bat Fatality Detection System

Bowman Consulting, Wildlife Imaging Systems


Project Summary

Started 2022; Small-scale field study to evaluate whether a newly developed bat fatality detection system can effectively detect bat fatalities including the time of collision and approximate location of carcasses, with potential future applications to assist in fatality monitoring or development of smart curtailment strategies.

Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study.

Effects of Painting Wind Turbine Blades on Fatality Rates of Flying Animals

PacifiCorp, REWI, USGS, NextEra Energy, Invenergy, USFWS, Oregon State University, US DOE


Project Summary

Started 2024; The primary goal of this study is to detect whether there is an effect of painting a single turbine blade black on fatality rates of eagles, other birds, and bats.

Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study.

Active Solar Projects

Examination of Vertebrate Biodiversity Outcome Patterns at Solar PV Facilities Across Regions

Tetra Tech, University of Arkansas, REWI


Project Summary

Started in 2024; How PV solar facilities function as habitat for wildlife is poorly understood and, as such, there is a limit to the inferences that can be made to understand the ecological value of these sites. This project aims to build on baseline biodiversity data at PV solar sites across the United States and expand the possibilities for understanding wildlife interactions with solar and the impacts of specific development approaches.


Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study. 

Wildlife Abundance and Use of Utility-Scale Solar Facilities in Agricultural Environments



Project Summary

Started in 2022; This project seeks to understand how the development of utility-scale solar facilities constructed in agricultural environments in the Midwest influences avian communities; a taxon of agency and public concern. This work helps build on baseline data for further impact/benefit analysis of solar development in the Midwest.


Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study. 

Soil Health Impacts of PV Installation and Agri-Voltaic Practice on Agricultural Land

Shippensburg University


Project Summary

Started in 2022; This study explores the effects of land conversion from agriculture to solar energy development on soil health and structure.


Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study. 

Greater Sage-Grouse Use of a Solar Energy Facility in Southwest Wyoming 

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)


Project Summary

Started in 2022; This study investigates how greater sage-grouse use a landscape altered by solar energy development.


Results & Publications

No publications yet for this study. 

Completed Research Projects

Effect of Turbine Size on Bird and Bat Fatality Rates

Tetra Tech


Project Summary

Completed in 2024; In light of the development of larger wind turbines, this study explores the effect of turbine size on fatality rates of hoary bats, horned larks, and red-tailed hawks.


Results & Publications

Incidental Carcass Detection by Staff at Operating Wind Facilities 

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)


Project Summary

Completed in 2023; This study evaluates the ability of trained operations and maintenance (O&M) staff to detect eagle carcasses while performing their typical duties.


Results & Publications

Refining the informed curtailment eagle collision minimization strategy using IdentiFlight

Peregrine Fund


Project Summary

Completed in 2023; This study explores eagle flight behavior near wind turbines to help refine IdentiFlight curtailment capabilities.


Results & Publications

Raptor Carcass Persistence Study

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)


Project Summary

Completed in 2023; This study quantifies the difference in carcass persistence between game birds and raptors in post-construction monitoring.


Results & Publications

Assessing the Efficacy of the Detection and Active Response Curtailment (DARC) Technology

Natural Power


Project Summary

Completed in 2023; REWRF contributed matching funds to this DOE-funded study. This project tests the efficacy of a smart curtailment system for bats and aims to address operational concerns that are barriers for implementation.


Results & Publications

Lesser Prairie Chicken Response to a Wind Energy Development

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)


Project Summary

Completed in 2023; This is a multi-year telemetry study of lesser prairie chicken activity near a wind energy development.


Results & Publications

BatCast: Assessment of Project-Specific and Regionally Available Data for Development of a Smart Curtailment Algorithm

Cornell Ornithology Lab


Project Summary

Completed in 2021; This study explores the role of regional-scale weather variables in predicting bat mortality and bat acoustic activity, with the potential to inform curtailment strategies.


Results & Publications

Effectiveness of Curtailment Regimes in Reducing Fatalities

Biodiversity Research Institute


Project Summary

Completed in 2021; Meta-analysis to assess the effectiveness of curtailment regimes on reducing fatalities in migratory tree bat species.


Results & Publications

Bat Activity Rates Correlated with Fatality Rates

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)


Project Summary

Completed in 2020; This study explores the relationship between pre-construction bat acoustic data with post-construction fatality rates.


Results & Publications

Landscape Factors Associated with Fatalities of Migratory Tree-Roosting Bats at Wind Energy Facilities



Project Summary

Completed in 2020; This study uses bat fatality data from the American Wind Wildlife Information Center (AWWIC) to explore the relationships between landscape-level characteristics and fatality rates of migratory tree bats.


Results & Publications