Leadership & Staff

Geronimo Energy

Board of Directors

REWI’s Board sits together at a common table to collaborate on shared goals. Board members are drawn equally from the renewable energy industry and science and conservation organizations. This diversity and balance is an essential part of REWI’s charter and is required by our bylaws. 

Misti Sporer

Deriva Energy


Misti Sporer is the Environmental Director for Deriva Energy.  She and her team provide environmental siting and permitting support for the development, construction, and long-term O&M of wind, solar, and battery storage projects throughout the entire US.  She is a past chair of APLIC and previously managed Duke Energy’s Avian Protection Program.  Prior to working for the private sector, she was the principal biologist for Western Area Power Administration and a staff biologist for the U.S. Forest Service.  She is an alumna of the University of Wyoming (BS-Biology and Anthropology) and the University of Colorado (MS-Environmental Science).  She loves any activity outdoors (hiking is a favorite) and spending time with her family in her home state of Wyoming.

Nick Morgan

The Conservation Fund

Vice Chair

Nick oversees the Fund’s Mitigation Solutions Program.  This program is focused on partnerships with natural resource management agencies, infrastructure developers, and conservation organizations. He has responsibility for leading efforts on Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plans, species in-lieu fee programs, and mitigation strategy.

Nick joined the Fund in 2021. Prior to working for The Fund, Nick was a consultant that assisted clients in the water and energy industries with regulatory compliance and environmental impacts mitigation. Nick’s past regulatory consultation experience has included the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Historic Preservation Act, and other overarching state and local regulations. Nick provided project management and technical expertise for multi-disciplined teams capable of providing the environmental studies, engineering design, permitting, and construction requirements for implementing project developments that met regulatory compliance. This often included ecosystem restoration projects for wetlands, streams, and rare, threatened, and endangered species.

Nick has served on the board of directors of both for-profit and non-profit organizations.  Nick is the current president and founding member of the South Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Environmental Professionals.  Nick was also the board secretary for one of his past employers, Kleinschmidt Associates.  Nick was also the senior trustee for the South Carolina Chapter of the American Water Works Association.

Nick has a B.S. in biology from Grove City College, Pennsylvania, and an M.S. in biology (herpetology focus) from the University of Nebraska.

John Rogers

Union of Concerned Scientists


John Rogers is a senior analyst in the Climate & Energy Program of the Union of Concerned Scientists, and analytic lead for the organization’s energy campaign, with three decades of expertise in clean energy technologies and policies, and a focus on wind and solar. He has served as lead or co-author on many UCS analyses, reports, and publications. He joined the board of REWI in January 2019, also serves on the board of directors of RENEW Northeast and was a co-founder of the US Offshore Wind Collaborative. He has been interviewed numerous times on public and commercial radio, and on television, and has been cited in publications ranging from The New York Times and The Boston Globe to Popular Mechanics and Good Housekeeping. John joined UCS in 2006 after working for 15 years on private and public clean energy initiatives, including as a US Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras, and as a co-founder of a leading developer of clean energy solutions for rural markets in developing countries. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan.

Jenny McIvor

Berkshire Hathaway Energy


Jenny McIvor is the vice president and chief environmental officer for Berkshire Hathaway Energy. Jenny is responsible for devising environmental policy and strategy for Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s global operations serving 12 million customers and end-users, including innovative wind and wildlife permitting strategies for a growing renewable energy portfolio and programs to benchmark and manage the environmental footprints of Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s operations. Jenny represents Berkshire Hathaway Energy in a number of organizations, servings as current secretary and prior chair of the Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute; current chair of the American Clean Power Association’s Federal Wildlife and Permitting committee; and current chair of the Energy and Wildlife Action Coalition policy committee. She also serves on the president’s council at The Crane Trust in Wood River, Nebraska. Jenny led MidAmerican Energy Company’s environmental policy, strategy and management programs from 2012 through 2018 and she held a number of environmental operations, compliance and permitting roles for MidAmerican since joining the company in 2008. Jenny earned a master’s degree in environmental management from the Yale School of the Environment, a juris doctorate from Vermont Law School, and a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies from the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University.

Christi Calabrese

EDP Renewables

Christi Calabrese is Director of Permitting and Environmental Affairs for EDP Renewables North America (EDPR NA).  Christi and her team manage environmental permitting and permit compliance for EDPR NA’s projects in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, from planning phases through implementation and operations, including developing strategies to avoid and minimize environmental impacts. Christi also collaborates with different Sustainability teams within EDP on biodiversity and circular economy initiatives.  In addition, Christi develops environmental corporate standards and procedures for EDPR NA and advises EDPR NA’s CEO and Executive Team on environmental regulations and policy issues pertaining to renewable energy development and operations.

Christi currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute (REWI) Board as well as on the Leadership team of the American Clean Power Association’s (ACP) Wildlife and Federal Permitting Committee.  She also served as Committee Chair for the American Wind Energy Association’s (now known as ACP) Wildlife and Federal Permitting Committee. Christi was the recipient of the American Wind Energy Association’s 2016 Andy Linehan Environmental Excellence Award.

Christi has a Bachelor of Science degree in zoology from the University of Florida and a Masters Degree in Marine Resources Management from Texas A&M Galveston. She has over sixteen years of professional experience in the environmental field and fourteen years of experience working in the renewable energy industry, primarily on environmental and siting issues related to wind and solar energy projects.

Adam Cernea Clark

Pattern Energy Group

Adam Cernea Clark is Director of Permitting and Policy Strategy at Pattern Energy. He has been with Pattern since 2015, and has extensive experience working on diverse natural resource issues related to permitting and environmental policy and has worked on major infrastructure projects including inter-state transmission facilities and the largest single-phase wind generation project in the history of North America. He has experience working with the conservation community to address environmental concerns and develop appropriate mitigation related to large-scale renewable and transmission projects in a collaborative and open fashion. He received his Juris Doctor from Northeastern University School of Law and a Masters in Environmental Law & Policy from Vermont Law School. He is an inactive member of the New York State Bar.

Clay Crowder

Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

Clay Crowder is the Assistant Director of the Wildlife Management division at the Arizona Game and Fish Department.

Clay has worked for the Department since 2008, starting out as a wildlife technician in the Yuma Regional Office, supporting Sonoran Pronghorn recovery. Throughout his career, Clay has served in several capacities within the agency, including native fish biologist, Habitat Partnership Committee coordinator, natural resources planner, and most recently the Habitat, Evaluation and Lands branch chief. He has been Assistant Director of the Wildlife Management Division since January 2020.

Clay received a B.S. in Fisheries Sciences from New Mexico State University. His passion for wildlife and outdoor recreation began at a very early age when his parents first started taking him camping and fishing in central New Mexico. Clay and his son reside in Phoenix.

Aimee Delach

Defenders of Wildlife

Aimee Delach is a Senior Policy Analyst at Defenders of Wildlife, working on climate adaptation and renewable energy. She holds a BS in Biology from the University of Notre Dame and an MS in Environmental and Forest Biology from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

Sean Fitzgerald

NextEra Energy

Sean Fitzgerald is the Director of Wildlife and Vegetation at NextEra Energy Resources. He has been at NextEra since 2019 and leads a team of subject matter experts who address wildlife and vegetation-related issues during the development, construction, and operational phases of NextEra Energy Resources’ renewable projects. Under his leadership, the team supports the company’s 34 GW of operating renewable assets and a 42 GW backlog of renewable projects expected to be built by 2026. Before his tenure at NextEra, Mr. Fitzgerald spent a decade in consulting, working at Atwell and ECT, where he focused on avian-related renewable projects across the United States.

Garry George

National Audubon Society

Garry George started his Audubon career as a volunteer for Los Angeles Audubon with KILL YOUR LAWN, a program modeled after his own yard to reduce water use and greenhouse gases from mowers and blowers, and to create native plant habitat to attract birds and other wildlife. He served in several leadership capacities for both LA Audubon and Audubon California before being named to his current role as clean energy director for Audubon in 2017, specializing in the intersection of utility-scale wind, solar, geothermal energies and transmission, climate, and birds.

“Garry understands better than just about anyone that if you care about protecting birds, you should care about clean energy,” said David O’Neill, chief conservation officer at the National Audubon Society. “He is an invaluable authority on clean energy and a steadfast champion of wildlife and a great partner with industry. REWI is fortunate to have him in this position and we’re proud to be an REWI partner.”

He also holds seats representing Audubon on several stakeholder groups including Avian Solar Work Group, California Offshore Wind Working Group and Regional Science Entity Work Group for Atlantic Offshore Wind to facilitate research and new technologies to develop environmentally responsible utility-scale clean energy, as well as collaborations with USFWS and other federal and state agencies and our NGO partners. He leads the Audubon network in clean energy planning, permitting policies, individual projects and transmission planning to reach the organization’s clean energy goals while protecting birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow.

Garry is a graduate of NYU and lives in Los Angeles. When not working for Audubon he travels the world looking for rare birds and has racked up a life list of over 7,500 species, so far.

Kristen Goland

Avangrid Renewables

Kristen Goland is the Senior Director for Permitting and Environmental at Avangrid.  Kristen has worked in the renewable energy environmental realm since 2002 initially as a grant administrator for the MA Renewable Energy Trust Fund establishing early funding for BWEC and Offshore wind assessments.  She started at Avangrid in 2007 under the direction of Andy Linehan and managed permitting and environmental efforts in both eastern and western regions for the Company.  She has represented AR in permit strategy, creation, and project implementation for development, construction, and operational projects within the United States.  Her permitting and environmental skills range from local and state use permits from New Hampshire to California to federal permits from the Bureau of Lands Management, United States Forest Service, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.  Federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and state environmental policy reviews are some of her favorite projects to work on.

Nathanael Greene

Natural Resources Defense Council

Nathanael Greene is NRDC’s senior renewable energy policy advocate. His expertise is in renewable energy, its research and development, and the economic challenges that must be overcome so that they can be deployed quickly and with the greatest environmental benefits.

Nathanael started at NRDC right out of college in 1992. After two years he left to attend grad school, where he also worked for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He returned to work with NRDC in 1996. His background in science, engineering, and economics allows him to translate cutting edge technology developments into policy recommendations. He holds a degree in public policy from Brown University and a master’s degree from Berkeley. Read More

Keith Harrison

Southern Power

Keith Harrison is the General Manager of Environmental Affairs for Southern Power where he is responsible for environmental policy, due diligence, permitting, and compliance with all air, water, waste and natural resources environmental requirements across Southern Power’s fleet of nearly 12,500 MW of wind, solar, battery storage, natural gas and fuel cell facilities across 14 states in the US. A significant part of his team’s responsibilities involves negotiating permitting strategies and managing compliance programs addressing avian, bat, and other wildlife issues.

Keith has over 25 years of experience with Southern Company serving in various leadership roles in research and environmental affairs, strategic generation planning, and fuel services. Throughout his career, he has worked to direct collaborative research to develop, demonstrate, and deploy technologies to minimize environmental impacts. As a member of REWI’s Board of Directors, he is happy to support REWI’s mission to do just that.

Keith holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Auburn University (War Eagle!).

Ray Kelly

Clearway Energy Group

Raymond Kelly is Director, Environmental for Clearway Energy’s portfolio of operating wind and photovoltaic (PV) electric generation facilities. With over 30 years of experience permitting, performing environmental due diligence reviews and providing compliance oversight in the power and energy sectors, he leads the Clearway Energy’s environmental group supporting renewable energy facility construction and operation. In this role, Ray develops environmental corporate standards and procedures for Clearway and advises the company on environmental regulations and policy issues related to renewable energy.

Prior to joining Clearway Energy, Ray was Director, Permitting & Environmental for NRG Energy where he supervised the environmental reviews, permitting and compliance assurance for renewable facilities.  During his time at NRG, he was involved with the due diligence review, acquisition, development and/or construction of over 5,000 MW of wind and solar renewable energy projects.

Ray presently serves on the Board of the Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute as Clearway’s representative and with the Avian Solar Working Group and Wind Wildlife Research Fund Advisory Council.

Ray received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry from San Diego State University, San Diego, California.

Jim Murphy

National Wildlife Federation

Jim Murphy is Director, Legal Advocacy with National Wildlife Federation where he leads National Wildlife Federation’s national legal work with an extensive focus on climate and energy matters with the goal of reducing carbon pollution to protect wildlife.  In particular, he works on an array of climate related issues, including advancing regulatory solutions to carbon pollution, protecting wildlife from harmful fossil fuel projects, and promoting clean, wildlife-friendly renewable energy. He also has worked extensively protecting wildlife and natural resources through legal actions involving the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act and other environmental statutes.  Prior to joining NWF in 2003, he worked with the Conservation Law Foundation, in private practice, and on Capitol Hill.  He has an LL.M., summa cum laude, in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School, a J.D. from Boston College Law School, and B.A. in Political Science and History from the University of Vermont.

Devon Muto

EDF Renewables

Devon Muto is a Senior Director of Development responsible for overseeing the development on EDF’s utility scale solar and storage projects in their west region. Since joining EDF Renewables in 2018, he has assisted with advancing over 2 GW of projects to construction while also supporting a pipeline to continue production in the coming years.  Mr. Muto currently sits on the Executive Committee of the Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund and is also an active member of the Avian Solar Work Group. Prior to joining EDF Renewables, Mr. Muto’s 20+ year career covered several roles in the field of planning and environmental policy including Chief of Advance Planning for the County of San Diego, San Diego Branch Manager for ICF, and project manager for planning and environmental services on several large scale utility contracts and public projects.

John Oldi

RWE Renewables Americas

John Oldi serves as Senior Director, HSSE, responsible for Environmental Programs at RWE Clean Energy (formerly Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses).  RWE Clean Energy is the fourth largest renewable energy provider in the US and second largest solar producer.  John’s responsibilities include the development and implementation of programs to support environmental stewardship and compliance from development through decommissioning.  Mr. Oldi brings over 25 years of experience in the industrial sector. Prior to joining RWE, John spent much of his career working for General Electric (GE) where he was responsible for various EHS programs, including environmental compliance, air permitting, GHG accounting and sustainability engagement programs.  At GE he held various EHS roles throughout the organization, including as an executive in the corporate environmental group.  In addition, prior to joining Con Edison in 2020, John held the position of Technical Director in the Environmental, Health & Safety Division of Loureiro Engineering Associates. Mr. Oldi has a BS in Environmental Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, an MS in Environmental Health Sciences from University at Albany, SUNY, and is licensed Professional Engineer. Mr. Oldi is also a credentialed Climate Change Professional, CC-P, issued by the Association of Climate Change Officers. He is also a member of the board at the Connecticut Sustainable Business Council (CTSBC).

Johann Walker

Ducks Unlimited

Johann Walker is Ducks Unlimited’s Director of Operations for the 7-state Great Plains Region. Johann began his career with Ducks Unlimited in 2004 as a research biologist at the Great Plains Regional Office in Bismarck, North Dakota. During 2010 – 2013, Johann directed science and planning efforts for Ducks Unlimited’s Great Plains Region, conducting research on habitat relationships of breeding waterfowl, land-use change, and conservation strategy. During 2013 – 2019 Johann directed a conservation delivery team that conserved more than 800,000 acres of wetland and grassland habitat in the Dakotas and Montana. Johann is a Fellow of the National Conservation Leadership Institute. He lives in Bismarck, North Dakota with his wife Amy and four children and spends as much of his free time as possible recreating outdoors with his family.

Madeleine West

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

Bio forthcoming.

Laurie Williams

Sierra Club

Laurie leads the development and implementation of Beyond Coal Campaign strategies to transform the power sector and deliver on grant outcomes at the federal, state, and local levels. Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign is the largest grassroots effort in the United States to decarbonize the grid. Laurie has worked at the Sierra Club as a Beyond Coal Campaign attorney since 2013, where she focused on state-level strategies to retire coal in the Midwest. She also served as the Energy Policy Advisor of Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado.

Terry Root

Stanford University (Advisory Member)

Terry L. Root is Senior Fellow (University Faculty) Emerita in Stanford’s Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University.  Her research addressed how plants and animals are changing with the changing climate.  She was a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change 4th Assessment Report that in 2007 was co-awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Al Gore.  Also, she was a lead author for the 3rd Assessment Report (2001) and a Review Editor for the 5th Assessment Report (2014).  In addition to other honors, Root was awarded the Spirit of Defenders Award for Science by Defenders of Wildlife in 2010, and Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016 from the conservation organization Point Blue.  She serves as science advisor to several non-governmental organizations, has served on the boards of many environmental organizations, and is currently serving on the board of Defenders of Wildlife and BirdCaribbean.

Root earned her undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of New Mexico, her master’s degree in Biology from the University of Colorado and her doctorate in Biology from Princeton University.  She was a Professor at the University of Michigan for 14 years, until she moved to Stanford University where she was on the faculty for 15 years.  She retired and moved to Sarasota, FL, in the summer of 2015.

JC Sandberg

American Clean Power Association (Advisory Member)

Bio coming soon.


Troy Hartley, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Troy Hartley is the Executive Director of REWI. Troy has over 25 years of experience in collaborative research, stakeholder and community engagement, science-to-management processes, and innovation on a wide range of natural resources and environmental issues. Prior to joining REWI in 2025, he was the director of Virginia Sea Grant, a national federal-state, university-based partnership program funding and conducting collaborative research, outreach and engagement, and workforce development activities. At Sea Grant, Troy was responsible for strategic priorities and direction, partnership-building and relations, fundraising, advisory committee engagement. He also oversaw Sea Grant programs, which are neutral brokers of evidence-based knowledge that inform decision-making and advance resilience and sustainability. He has a PhD in environmental and natural resource policy from the University of Michigan, a master’s in environmental policy from George Mason University, and a BS in zoology from the University of Vermont. Beyond REWI, Troy enjoys paddle boarding, cycling, cross-country skiing, keeping pace with his Australian Shepherd (Keys), and aspiring to be a Zamboni driver.

Eric Schauber, Ph.D.

Director of Research

Eric Schauber joined REWI in February 2024 and serves in directing all research initiatives.  He is a wildlife ecologist with wide research interests and expertise in modeling and quantitative analysis.  Much of his research has addressed practical conservation topics involving spatial elements such as habitat fragmentation, movement and contact patterns, and dynamics between refuges and hot spots of risk.  He has led studies ranging from pesticide effects on small mammals to Lyme disease risk to social behavior of deer. Previously, Eric was the Illinois State Biologist and Director of the Illinois Natural History Survey at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.  Before that he taught and conducted research as a member of the Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory and Department of Zoology at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.  He holds a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of Connecticut, a Master’s in Wildlife Science from Oregon State University, and a Bachelors in Wildlife Biology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Lauren Flinn

Director of Operations

Lauren Flinn serves as the Director of Operations at REWI. She oversee all operational and administrative functions of the organization and helps orchestrate program development and implementation. In her operational role, she is responsible for finances, human resources, IT, legal, governance, and compliance. She has a key role in managing the organization’s fiscal stability, internal structure, and strategic planning.

She joined REWI in 2011 as a program manager and facilitator focusing on program implementation, including management of the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC), development of the American Wind Wildlife Information Center (AWWIC), and planning of the Wind Wildlife Research Meeting. Prior to joining REWI, Lauren supported the NWCC at RESOLVE and was an associate with ICF International in the company’s Energy and Resources Practice. She holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science and Management from the Bren School at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology with a concentration in Environmental Studies from Williams College.

Trey McDonald

Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund Lead

Trey McDonald has worked within sustainability for over 20 years as a whale biologist, environmental scientist, and sustainability officer. Observing the pace and scale of development during his time as an environmental scientist in Florida, he recognized the need to rethink our relationship with the Earth. He shifted his career focus to sustainability strategy, earning his LEED Accreditation, his M.S. in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of South Florida, and an Energy Management Certificate from North Carolina State University. His Master’s thesis focused on sustainability at university campuses. He earned his B.S. in Marine Biology from Auburn University and also studied at the University of British Columbia, the University of Oregon, and Florida Institute of Technology.

Prior to joining REWI, Trey served as a Senior Sustainability Consultant at Vizient, Inc., developing their sustainability consulting services framework for healthcare providers. He also served as the first ESG/Sustainability Manager at Conrex, a property management company based in Charleston, SC. There he created internal governance for ESG issues and developed a sustainability strategic plan for the company to achieve carbon neutrality and improve the experiences of residents. Most of his career in sustainability has been in higher education, where he led programs for three different schools including the University of San Diego, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and the University of Richmond. He served as the first sustainability officer for both UNCG and UR and led the development of comprehensive sustainability programs and strategic Climate Action and Sustainability Plans at each institution.

Favorite quote regarding sustainability: “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” – John Muir

Ryan Butryn

Senior Information Science Manager

Ryan Butryn manages the American Wind Wildlife Information Center (AWWIC). He works with industry partners and friends to get their data contributions accurately and securely housed in the database. He also works closely with researchers to prepare AWWIC data for scientific analysis. Previously, Ryan has worked for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, the Vermont Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, and the U.S. Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center supporting ecological research with his skills in geographic information systems and data analysis. He has a M.S. degree in Natural Resources from the University of Vermont Rubenstein School for Environment and Natural Resources and a B.S. degree in Environmental Biology from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

Daniel Durbin

Grants Manager

As Grants Manager, Daniel supports REWI’s operational and financial management, ensures proper governance and compliance in relation to funding sources, provides additional support to contract and project management, and supports other administrative functions. Daniel has over 5 years of grants and data management experience at various nonprofit organizations and has also served as an AmeriCorps VISTA in his community. He holds a Master’s Degree in International Security from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from Hendrix College.

Josh Ennen, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist – Solar

Josh Ennen is a Senior Scientist supporting REWI’s work in developing science, tools, and strategies for wind and solar siting and operations that minimize impacts on wildlife and wildlife habitats. Josh implements the goals of the solar-wildlife program. He is a wildlife biologist with expertise in the impacts of renewable energy on wildlife and also works as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Josh has a background in environmental consulting, has had various roles at several academic institutes, and has worked as a researcher at USGS and the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute. As a researcher, Josh has published over 60 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, including several publications and book chapters related to the impacts of renewable energy (both wind and solar) on wildlife. He received a B.A. in Biology from Maryville College, an M.S. in Biology from Austin Peay State University, and a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Shilo Felton, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist – Wind

Shilo Felton is a Senior Scientist supporting REWI’s work in developing science, tools, and strategies for wind and solar siting and operations that minimize impacts on wildlife and wildlife habitats. Shilo implements the goals of the wind-wildlife program. She has over 10 years of experience in wildlife conservation science, working with USFWS, NPS, San Diego Zoo, Rhode Island Division of Fish and Wildlife, MassAudubon, the Town of Harwich, and most recently with the National Audubon Society, providing scientific expertise toward its renewable energy engagement. Shilo served as a Climate Science Fellow for the USGS Southeast Climate Adaptation Center and as a Research Assistant for the USGS Cooperative Research Unit, where she led a project investigating the implications of management decisions for American Oystercatcher populations, in partnership with NPS. She earned a B.S. in Biology from the University of California, San Diego, an M.Sc. in Biology from Western Kentucky University, and a Ph.D. in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology from North Carolina State University.

Hannah Fisher

Communications Manager

Hannah Fisher is the Communications Manager at REWI supporting the development and execution of REWI’s communications strategy. She has experience working with energy and industrial companies on the development and implementation of communications campaigns relating to clean energy deployment, with a focus on hydrogen and other low-carbon fuels. Hannah holds Bachelor’s Degrees in Business Administration and Political Science from the University of North Carolina (UNC) – Chapel Hill and in her free time can be found cheering on the Tar Heels.

Megan Goldsmith

Outreach & Engagement Manager

Megan Goldsmith is the Outreach and Engagement Manager at REWI, where she brings her expertise from over a decade in corporate, education, and nonprofit sectors. Before joining the REWI team, Megan made significant contributions to the New England Water Environment Association as she spearheaded the establishment of a catalog of resources for water quality technology innovation and facilitated connections between tech developers and water municipalities. As REWI’s Outreach and Engagement Manager, Megan’s core responsibilities include supporting essential outreach and engagement activities, projects, initiatives, and events; coordinating stakeholder engagement; and assisting with strategy, project development, and fundraising. Megan holds a B.A. in Geological Sciences and Environmental Studies from Wellesley College.

Isabel Gottlieb

Senior Research Manager/Scientist

Isabel serves as the Senior Research Manager/Scientist for REWI. She supports all aspects of REWI’s wind research portfolio and the expansion of the organization’s scope to include solar energy. Isabel was previously employed by REWI and managed the technology innovation program. In her time away from REWI, Isabel has worked as an environmental consultant for renewable energy projects, working primarily on pre-construction wind and solar developments overseeing ecological and wildlife studies, and developing conservation strategies. She returns to REWI with 15 years of experience spanning wildlife conservation and research across many taxa but focused on birds, renewable energy development (wind, solar, biofuels), urban ecology, and community conservation. She has managed projects and programs for the past 10 years in academic, non-profit, and consulting environments. She holds an MS in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from the University of Florida, and a B.S. in Biology and Environmental Science from Trinity College.

Audrey Neubauer

Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund Manager

Audrey Neubauer is a Project Manager supporting REWI’s Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund. She has experience working with renewable developers, utilities, and NGOs across the country. This work includes sales and utility outreach work on Community Solar projects in the Northeast, Project Management support as a Consultant with large-scale renewable energy projects in the Northwest, and Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) nonprofit development in Alaska. Audrey holds a master’s degree in Sustainable Development from the University of St Andrews, where her thesis focused on policy suggestions to mitigate conflicts related to large-scale wind and solar PV projects to prevent delays, minimize harm, and proactively address community concerns. In her free time, Audrey can be found with her dog taking long walks in the woods or along the beach where she lives on an island nestled in the Puget Sound near Seattle.

La’ Portia J. Perkins

Project Manager

La’ Portia J. Perkins is a Project Manager supporting REWI’s work in developing science, tools, and strategies for wind and solar siting and operations that minimize impacts on wildlife and wildlife habitats. La’ Portia manages projects under the goals of REWI’s science program. She has over five years of experience in wildlife conservation science and outreach programming. She has worked with South Carolina Adopt-a-Stream, South Carolina DNR, Virginia Tech’s “Digging in the Crates” Program, Defenders of Wildlife, and Hillsborough County’s Environmental Lands Management. As part of her original thesis, La’ Portia led a project in collaboration with Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy, in which she interviewed Black farmers and landowners in the Southeast to gain insights into their current and historical relationships with prescribed fire in the long-leaf pine ecosystem. She earned a B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology with a minor in Environmental Science and Policy from Clemson University and an M.S. in Forestry from Virginia Tech.

Sydney Rehder

Administrative Manager

Sydney Rehder is the Administrative Manager at REWI supporting research, outreach and engagement, communications, and operational functions.  Sydney’s prior experience includes sustainable development research, event planning, and community engagement. She has worked with Tangle News, the State Department Office of Development Finance, UNC-Chapel Hill’s Climate Crisis Committee, and the Transatlantic Hub Initiative, as well as serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA in her community.  Sydney holds a B.A. in Political Science and European studies with a minor in Geography from the University of North Carolina (UNC) – Chapel Hill, an M.Sc. in Environmental Governance from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and an M.A. on Political Science from UNC – Chapel Hill. Her thesis focused on community engagement and energy justice in renewable energy developments.

Andrew Wilk

Data Manager

Andrew Wilk is a Data Manager supporting REWI’s work to track and assemble datasets collected at renewable energy facilities. He applies his background in quantitative ecology to support the research program by acquiring data and assisting research to address stakeholders’ needs. Andrew has worked as a researcher with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the Great Rivers Research and Education Center focusing primarily on conservation questions of wildlife distribution and abundance in response to disturbance. He received an M.S. degree in Wildlife Science from The Ohio State University and a B.S. degree in Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife, also from The Ohio State University.