
Photo by Daniel Hoherd, Flickr

Success through unprecedented collaboration

AWWI was founded in 2008 by leaders from the wind industry and conservation and science organizations with the vision of achieving wind energy’s full conservation potential through sound science and collaboration. AWWI’s Founding Partners provided expertise and financial backing to build a new, independent organization to carry out this vision.

In 2021, the AWWI Board approved an expansion of our work to include solar energy, wildlife, and related natural resources in addition to wind energy and wildlife. Recognizing the important role solar energy has in achieving net-zero carbon goals, the American Wind Wildlife Institute became the Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute (REWI) in 2022.

We recognize and thank our Founding Partners for their leadership, dedication, and courage to step forward first. Thank you to our Board, Partners, Friends, and sponsors who supported our expansion.

Abby Arnold
Executive Director

Apex Clean Energy

In Their Words: Founders’ Voices

Hear, in their words, the story of AWWI’s genesis, and the vision, importance, and impact of this historic partnership

Tom Weis

Independent Consultant

Alex Levinson

Formerly Sierra Club

Andrew Linehan

Formerly Avangrid Renewables

Deb Hahn

Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

Joe Grennan

Formerly RES Americas 

Jan Blomstrann

Formerly NRG Systems

Genevieve Thompson

Formerly Audubon Dakota

Johanna Wald

Formerly Natural Resources Defense Council

Peter Frumhoff, Ph.D.

Union of Concerned Scientists

Wayne Walker

Founding Executive Director of AWWI

Alan Pollom

Formerly The Nature Conservancy