Webinar Series: Compensatory Mitigation for Land-Based Wind Energy

Block Island Wind Farm by Chris Bently, Flickr

The mitigation hierarchy is a framework to, at a minimum, ensure there is no net loss from economic development and follows three sequential steps: 1) avoid impacts, 2) minimize impacts that cannot be avoided, and 3) compensate for residual impacts (i.e., those that cannot be avoided or minimized). The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute are co-hosting a webinar series focused on the third step, compensatory mitigation, in the context of wind energy development. This four-part webinar series will introduce regulations that influence compensatory mitigation for wind energy projects and explore real-world examples of how compensatory mitigation is applied in practice.  

For background on the mitgation hierarchy, see 1) REWI’s Guide to Wind Energy & Wildlife, which includes avoidance, minimization, and compensation, and 2) WREN’s summary on using consistent terminology when discussing the mitigation hierarchy. Additionally, in May 2023, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released its updated Compensatory Mitigation Policy for species protected under the Endangered Species Act.  

Webinar 1 – Compensatory Mitigation: Regulatory Landscape

Wednesday, September 13th, 3:00PM – 4:00PM (EST)

View the Recording

The initial webinar will focus on the regulatory mechanisms that determine requirements for compensation. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) both require compensatory mitigation for individual species if adverse impacts occur at wind energy facilities. Experts will present U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and state-specific policies and regulations, including recent policy updates for compensatory mitigation under the ESA, that influence the implementation of compensation measures. Some examples of on-the-ground implementation will also be provided, including one for California Condor.   

Moderator: Shilo Felton, REWI


  • Shauna Everett (USFWS, Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office)
  • Matthew Stuber (USFWS, Division of Migratory Birds)
  • Peter Sanzenbacher (USFWS, Palm Springs Fish and Wildlife Office)
  • Katrina Smith (California Department of Fish and Wildlife)

Webinar 2 – Compensatory Mitigation: Funding Mechanisms

Monday, October 2nd, 4:00PM – 5:00PM (EST)

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This webinar will introduce two of the more common methods for instituting compensatory mitigation: mitigation banks and in lieu fee programs. Speakers will provide backgrounds on how each of these mechanisms work and provide case studies under which these programs have been used to conserve wildlife affected by wind energy development.

Moderator: Cris Hein, NREL


  • Nick Morgan (The Conservation Fund)
  • Stephanie Tom Coupe (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation)
  • Wayne Walker (Common Ground Capitol)
  • Josiah Maine (Burns & MacDonnell)

Webinar 3 – Compensatory Mitigation: Grouse Management and Conservation

Friday, October 20th, 2:00PM – 3:00PM (EST)

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Grouse are considered an umbrella species because of their close connection to the surrounding habitat. The prairies and sage-brush where grouse reside are disappearing as a result of many stressors, including invasive species, climate change, and human development. Thus, any new disturbance or loss of habitat can significantly impact the species. Proper siting of wind energy facilities can avoid potential impacts to the species or their habitat, but it is likely that compensation measures will be needed to ensure there is no net loss. This webinar will bring together representatives from regulatory agencies, industry, conservation organizations, and researchers to discuss the regulatory landscape that guides decision-making around wind energy development and prairie grouse, and hear about the various mechanisms available to improve the availability of quality habitat.

Moderator: Cris Hein, NREL


  • David Wolfe (Independent Consultant)
  • Karen Tyrell (WEST, Inc.)
  • Matt Preston (Bureau of Land Management)
  • Kathleen Petter (Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources)

Webinar 4 – Compensatory Mitigation: Thinking Outside the Box

Wednesday, November 1st, 3:00PM – 4:00PM (EST)

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In some cases, alternatives to traditional compensation measures may provide significant conservation value. Examples include conservation actions that occur outside the region of the potential impact and funding research as a means of compensation. This webinar will explore outside-the-box ideas, examples of successful compensation alternatives, and situations in which innovative conservation actions may be necessary. Expert stakeholders will discuss the tradeoffs of implementing alternative compensation measures and when these may or may not be appropriate.

Moderator: Shilo Felton, REWI


  • Matt Palumbo (New York Department of Environmental Conservation)
  • Goni Iskali (Apex Clean Energy)
  • Jérôme Lemaître (Government of Quebec, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs)
  • Taber Allison (Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute)