Results Category: Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund

© 2008 Deon Reynolds

Bats, Eagles, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund, Wind Journal Article

Influence of Turbine Size Parameters on Collision-Based Bird and Bat Mortality

A study funded by the Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund investigating the influence of turbine size parameters on collision-based bird and bat mortality.

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Eagles, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund, Wind

Game Bird Carcasses Are Less Persistent Than Raptor Carcasses, But Can Predict Raptor Persistence Dynamics

A study supported by the Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund evaluated the relationship between game bird and raptor carcass persistence to estimate carcass persistence probability when using game birds more accurately as surrogates for raptors in carcass persistence trials.

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Birds, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund, Wind Journal Article

Game bird carcasses are less persistent than raptor carcasses, but can predict raptor persistence dynamics

Researchers conduct post-construction fatality monitoring (PCFM) to determine a wind energy facility’s direct impacts on wildlife. Results of PCFM can be used to evaluate compliance with permitted take, potentially triggering adaptive management measures or offsetting mitigation; reducing uncertaint

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Eagles, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund, Wind

Flight Characteristics Forecast Entry By Eagles Into Rotor-Swept Zones of Wind Turbines

An empirical study supported by the Wind Wildlife Research Fund testing the thresholds used in automated curtailment and successfully predicting eagle entry into rotor-swept zones at multiple wind energy facilities.

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Bats, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund Journal Article

Review of the Effectiveness of Operational Curtailment for Reducing Bat Fatalities

In this study supported by the Wind Wildlife Research Fund, researchers performed a meta-analysis of curtailment studies to review the effectiveness of operational curtailment for reducing bat fatalities.

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Bats, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund Report

The Role of Regional-Scale Weather Variables in Predicting Bat Mortality and Acoustic Activity

A proof-of-concept study supported by the Wind Wildlife Research Fund explored the development of decision support tools that could inform targeted, proactive curtailment using regional-scale variables to predict increases in bat presence and collision risk.

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Eagles, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund Journal Article

Improving Curtailment Strategies for Eagles

Preliminary report from research developing turbine-specific algorithms that incorporate eagle flight behavior recorded by camera-based detection systems into curtailment decisions to improve algorithms and reduce eagle collision risk.

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Bats, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund, Wind Journal Article

Bat Activity and Fatality Rates

A study supported by the Wind Wildlife Research Fund investigated the relationship between pre-construction bat acoustic activity and post-construction bat fatality rates at wind energy facilities.

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Bats, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund, Wind Report

Landscape Factors and Migratory Tree Bats

A study supported by the Wind Wildlife Research Fund used bat fatality data from a unique database to identify associations between fatality rates of migratory tree bats at wind energy facilities and landscape-level factors.

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Grouse, Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund, Wind Report

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Response to Wind Energy

A study supported by the Wind Wildlife Research Fund investigates the effects of wind energy infrastructure on lesser prairie-chickens over three years at a wind energy facility in Kansas.

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