Wind Wildlife Research Meeting IX Proceedings

Hatchet Ridge, Pattern Energy

The National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC) hosted a biennial Wind Wildlife Research meeting on November 28 – 30, 2012, in Broomfield, Colorado. The proceedings document research presented at the NWCC Wind Wildlife Research Meeting IX, pertaining to wildlife fatalities; habitat and behavioral impacts; cumulative and landscape-scale impacts to species; mitigation techniques and technologies; and offshore considerations.

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Disclaimer: AWWI strives for excellence when organizing the agenda for the Wind Wildlife Research Meeting, and each abstract submission is peer reviewed. However, authors represent their own work, and inclusion of in the meeting program and proceedings does not imply endorsement of the study or results by AWWI or others affiliated with the meeting. Much of the information presented in presentations is preliminary and should not be quoted or cited without permission from the authors.