Bats & Wind Energy

Mexican Free-Tailed Bats Exiting Bracken Bat Cave By USFWS Headquarters, Flickr, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Data from operating wind energy facilities and technological innovation help us understand and minimize risk to bats from wind energy operation

Wind energy operation can pose risks for bats, but the behavioral and environmental factors that influence that risk remain active areas of research. In parts of the U.S., the need to substantially reduce bat collision fatalities while minimizing power production losses represents the greatest conservation challenge for wind energy development. 

Research is needed to better understand the nature of bat interactions with wind turbines and to further inform strategies to minimize risk. REWI and collaborators are developing innovative tools and approaches to better understand the risk, and are evaluating technological solutions to make wind energy operation safer for bats.

Hoary Bat By Adam Searcy, Flickr, licensed under CC BY 2.0

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