Evaluating Collision Risk & Impacts of Energy Sprawl

Mass. Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This webinar was hosted by the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC).

wind turbine close upPresentations Included:

  • Evaluating large scale collision risks of songbirds and tree-bats with wind turbines using spatial habitat modeling
    • Presenter: Greg Forcey, Normandeau Associates, Inc.
    • Presentation
  • The impact of energy sprawl on biodiversity and ecosystem services
    • Presenter: Nathan Jones, Colorado State University
    • Presentation

*These presentations contain preliminary information and should not be quoted or cited

The National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC), formed in 1994 and retired in 2020, was initiated and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL); AWWI facilitated the NWCC from 2012 until 2020. Learn more.
Photo Credit: Turbine, NREL