REWI Recognizes Outgoing Executive Director Abby Arnold

REWI’s Staff and Board of Directors commend Abby for her dedicated service to REWI and look forward to seeing what she does next. 

The Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute (REWI) Board of Directors passed a Board Resolution at the December 2024 Board Meeting recognizing Abby Arnold, outgoing REWI Executive Director, for 30 years of tireless work on renewables, wildlife, transmission, and related topics. Abby is moving on from REWI as of February 28, 2025, after 15+ years serving as REWI’s Executive Director.

REWI is grateful for the time and dedication Abby has given to the organization, from helping conceive and build what was originally the American Wind Wildlife Institute (AWWI) in 2008, to serving as Executive Director of the organization since 2009, and overseeing the expansion to include solar energy, wildlife, and related natural resources in addition to wind energy and wildlife with the transition to REWI in 2022.

REWI’s Staff and Board of Directors commend Abby for her dedicated service to REWI and look forward to seeing what she does next. The full Board Resolution can be viewed below.


A RESOLUTION to commend and express sincere appreciation to ABBY ARNOLD for her dedicated service as Executive Director of the Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute.

WHEREAS, Abby Arnold began her career of service as a Land Use Planner for an Alaska Native non-profit, continued as a Planner in the East Aleutians, and served as staff to two Alaska State Senators; and

WHEREAS, having achieved her Masters in Public Administration at the distinguished Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, she held various positions as a skilled mediator facilitating development of national policy on energy,  and natural resource and other conservation issues; and

WHEREAS, during her career, Abby has designed and facilitated dialogues, conferences, and regulatory processes addressing impacts and benefits of renewable energy on and to wildlife and other natural resources and has helped create multiple programs, coordinating collaboratives, research meetings, workshops, and symposiums bringing global stakeholders together to promote a sustainable renewable energy industry by developing highly credible, trusted research, strategies and technologies to protect and conserve wildlife; and

WHEREAS, her thoughtful and effective facilitation of the Wind Energy Guidelines Federal Advisory Committee was instrumental in achieving a consensus agreement on Guidelines that provide a structured, scientific process for addressing wildlife conservation concerns, and which remain in effect over a decade later; and

WHEREAS, Abby helped conceive and build the American Wind Wildlife Institute, later the Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute (REWI), and since 2009 has served as its Executive Director exhibiting strong and thoughtful leadership to forward its mission – through science and collaboration, accelerate responsible deployment of renewable energy to mitigate climate change and protect wildlife and ecosystems – and spear-headed the Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund that advances priority scientific research on wind- and solar-wildlife applied solutions that enable developers to optimize conservation while expanding the clean energy transition.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors hereby expresses its deep appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to Abby Arnold for her many years of dedication, passion, and service to REWI, its staff, this Board, the renewable energy industry, science and conservation communities, and other stakeholders across the globe; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that through Abby’s foresight and tireless efforts to build and strengthen partnerships and relationships, both professional and deeply personal, she has created a community of public service and advocacy working together to make a profound impact on this planet and all its inhabitants and resources.