AWWI’s Inagural Solar Symposium a Success!

AWWI’s first Solar Power and Wildlife/Natural Resources Symposium was a success! Held December 1-3, the virtual forum featured more than 60 live and On-Demand presentations on the state of the science on critical topics, including assessing the impacts of solar on wildlife, low-impact solar siting & design, on-site management for pollinators and native species, regulatory considerations, water resource considerations, and more! The conversations opened and relationships established at the Symposium have formed a foundation upon which we will continue to build as we explore strategies for ensuring the expansion of solar energy is balanced with the conservation of wildlife species and habitats.

The Symposium’s nearly 600 attendees also gained access to an extensive resource library that features 110 additional research papers and presentations on topics related to renewable energy and wildlife conservation, as well as contact information for more than 120 organizations and individuals working in the clean energy-conservation space. Full recordings of the live sessions and On Demand content are available to registrants on the Symposium page​ and later this year will be shared publicly via the proceedings (to be released Spring 2022).

If you missed the Symposium, don’t worry! You can still register here and gain access to all presentations and meeting content. Additionally, you can access the solar resource library here and gain in-depth knowledge on the topics discussed in the Symposium and more!

We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future!